Veronica Franco

Information about the writer


Source(s) of data

  • Projeto Dicionário Bibliográfico da Literatura Italiana Traduzida


Veronica Franco (1546–1591) was an Italian poet and courtesan in 16th-century Venice. She is known for her notable clientele, feminist advocacy, literary contributions, and philanthropy. Her humanist education and cultural contributions influenced the roles of Courtesans in the late Venetian Renaissance. In her notable works, Capitoli in Terze rime and Lettere familiari a diversi ("Familiar Letters to Various People"), Franco uses perceived virtue, reason, and fairness to advise male patricians and other associates. She exercised greater autonomy in her authorship than any other traditional Venetian woman due to her established reputation and influence.



Beginning yearEnding yearDescription
14151580Expansão marítima portuguesa
15491549Brasil Colônia: Tomé de Sousa é nomeado governador-geral do Brasil
15721572Cultura: publicação de Os Lusíadas
15801580Brasil Colônia: anexação de Portugal à Coroa Espanhola
15541554Brasil Colônia: fundação da Cidade de São Paulo em 25 de janeiro
15001822Período Colonial no Brasil

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